
  • 你必須知道的面試穿衣禁忌

    virage 發表於: 2012-08-06,

      First impression counts, and interview table is place that matters. In order to boost your chances of getting hired, you need to make a very good first impr.

  • 瀟灑放手不是認輸:你值得擁有更好的.

    virage 發表於: 2012-08-06,

      Persistence is important to achieve success, but giving up is also important. Why is it essential? Why is it necessary to give up? Because it allows you to .

  • 夏季瘦身全攻略:窈窕美女是這樣煉成的.

    virage 發表於: 2012-08-06,

        In the Water    在水裏    Sure, we've all heard that swimming laps and water aerobics will keep us fit, but there are plenty o.

  • 五招助你一天無憂工作

    virage 發表於: 2012-08-06,

      In the middle of the Summer, when the weather is beautiful and the beach is beckoning, it can be hard to even drag yourself into the office — let alone to .

  • 職位與身材:高職務強勢女性更苗條.

    virage 發表於: 2012-08-06,

      Powerful career women who hold top jobs in law, medicine and business are slimming down, according official figures.They are the only social group to lose w.

  • 《生活大爆炸》Sheldon經典語錄集錦.

    virage 發表於: 2012-08-06,

      1.You know, I try very hard to make our lunch hours educational and informative. But your insistence on talking about your own lives stymies me at every tur.

  • 夏季減肥:各種妙招燃燒卡路裏!.

    virage 發表於: 2012-08-06,

      In the Water  在水裏  Sure, we’ve all heard that swimming laps and water aerobics will keep us fit, but there are plenty of less fitness-focused activi.

  • 貼在鏡子上的激勵語:用微笑提升樂觀情緒.

    virage 發表於: 2012-08-06,

      If you expect the worst, the worst will happen. If you let things bother you, they will. But if you smile, you'll feel better. Studies have shown that putti.

  • 職場拒絕"男人婆" 女人強勢更難.

    nobody 發表於: 2012-07-31,

      Having fought their way into the boardroom they are a match for any man. But a study has shown that when women bosses try to 'act like a man' and copy aggre.

  • 揭秘:職場女人最愛的一種"興奮劑".

    nobody 發表於: 2012-07-31,

      LONDON: A new survey has found that high-earning, successful women are every bit as willing as their male counterparts to use their power to attract younger.

  • 職場白領下班後做家務有害健康.

    nobody 發表於: 2012-07-31,

      Doing more housework keeps stress levels higher at the end of the day for both married women and men, increasing health risk, US researchers suggest.  美.

  • 如此休假:只要做完工作 休假隨你定.

    nobody 發表於: 2012-07-31,

      It is the part of most jobs that requires the most diplomacy - convincing your manager you should be allowed to take enough time off to go on that dream hol.

  • 教你5招搞定專橫老闆

    nobody 發表於: 2012-07-31,

      1.Limit the pain, target the gain.Recognize that working for this person is "a temporary assignment. You can set limits on how long you'll tolerate it, and .

  • 職場媽媽更想雇保姆 而非工作助理.

    nobody 發表於: 2012-07-31,

      Working mothers want to earn a good salary, put a higher priority on getting some help around the house than at the office, and undervalue their work at hom.

  • 有張好臉著實重要

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-23,

      The way you look means a lot—especially if you're in the financial industry—and the more trustworthyyou look to potentialclients, the more you'll attract .

  • 睡眠達人不告訴你的三個秘密

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-23,

      你也飽受失眠困擾嗎?來看看你是否忽略了下面這三個細節吧!  1.Exercise during the day  白天鍛鍊  We all know exercise improves our health, but it also impro.

  • 成功人士的11個好習慣

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-23,

      We all want to succeed. Whether it’s in losing weight, learning the guitar, speed reading, or starting our own business. For those of us who have tried and.

  • 男性喝茶過多易患癌症

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-23,

      Men who drink lots of tea are far more likely to develop prostate cancer, researchers have warned, the Daily Mail reported。  They found that those who dr.

  • 選擇朋友做投資夥伴會降低成功幾率.

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-23,

      Thinking of going into business with a friend? Your relationship could cost you, according to research.  Researchers at Harvard University, in a study loo.

  • 20條最離譜的辭職理由

    linux 發表於: 2012-07-23,

      The number of people quitting their jobs has been climbing steadily since June 2009, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says, to 2.1 million in March (the lates.
