【軟體名稱】:Norton Removal Tool 2010.0.0.92_綠色版
【檔案大小】:995 KB
Symantec的安全和工具軟體卸不幹淨是常見的問題,特別是SystemWorks,安裝/卸載一次後留下垃圾文件多多,老版本則更為嚴重,這個602K大小的SymNRT是一個官方發布的專用卸載工具,可以將Norton 2004/2005/2006產品徹底請出你的電腦,它對Norton Ghost 10.0/9.0/2003同樣有效.

Norton Removal Tool is a program that can remove some Norton software from your computer. Norton Removal Tool runs on windows 2000/XP/Vista. Norton Removal Tool should be used only if you have tried to uninstall the Norton program using Windows Add / Remove Programs and that did not work.

Norton Removal Tool 2010.0.0.92_綠色版

Norton Removal Tool 2010.0.0.92_綠色版