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VMware Workstation 7主要新特性:
- 最佳的Windows 7虛擬性能、特效:無論32位還是64位Windows 7 PC在經過優化後都能獲得最佳性能,同時無縫支持Aero 3D用戶界面特效,包括Aero Peek、Flip 3D等等。
- 3D圖形進一步增強:可虛擬運行更多支持Windows Aero、DX9.0c(SM3.0)、OpenGL的3D應用程序。
- 專為開發人士設計的新特性:新增面向Java、C、C++等編程語言的SpringSource Tools Suite(STS)、Eclipse IDE集成開發環境,Record Replay Debugging也經過改進,可以更快地尋找bug。
- 先進的虛擬化平台:每台虛擬機支持最多四個虛擬處理器或者四個虛擬核心,最多32GB內存。
- 支持256-bit AES加密保護,支持智能卡驗證。
- 打印無需配置驅動程序,默認打印機直接設為默認設備。
VMware Workstation 7.0.1主要修正:
Resolved IssuesThe following sections list the resolved issues in Workstation 7.0.1.
Installation, Upgrade, and Compatibility
- Wheninstalling FreeBSD 8.0 from an ISO image or a DVD drive, the NewVirtual Machine Wizard fails to recognize the DVD file or ISO image asFreeBSD.
- Afterinstalling the guest operating system and VMwareTools using the easyinstall feature, the CD-ROM drive fails todisconnect from the guestinstallation ISO image.
- Afterinstalling or uninstallingWorkstation 7.0, the Windows Firewall servicerestarts automaticallyregardless of the previous startup setting.
- Importinga Windows7 XP Mode virtual machine fails if you install VMwareWorkstation in adirectory path that contains non-ASCII characters.
- When switching from quick switch mode to full screen mode on Ubuntu 9.04 or 9.10 hosts, you might experience display problems.
- Whenusingmultiple monitors, if you switch from full screen mode to quickswitchmode, the quick switch mode display might get positioned on thewrongmonitor.
- In some instances, if youchoosenot to download VMware Tools automatically, the virtual machinebecomesunresponsive when you install VMware Tools manually using VM > Install VMware Tools.
- OnWindowsguests, attempting to use mapped drives to open shared foldersand fileswith long names on the host, might cause the application tofail.
- Creatingvirtual machines on shared folders with SAMBA/CIFS protocol on WindowsXP, 2003, Vista, and Linuxguests and running these virtual machines onWindows XP, Vista, and 7hosts, results in an Insufficientpermissions/Access denied errormessage.
- Enabling scanning fornetwork files in the ZoneAlarmSecurity Suite application, andattempting to use shared folders in theguest might result in a bluescreen.
- On Windows 7 guests, saving Microsoft Office files on shared folders multiple times, causes the files to become inaccessible.
- In some instances on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 hosts, when you create a virtual machine the Next button in the Select a Disk Type dialog box is disabled.
- On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 guests, printers configured on the host do not appear in the guest.
- Virtual printers might fail to work on Ubuntu 9.10 hosts.
- The Collect support data feature, might fail on a powered on Windows 7 Japanese guest with the latest VMware Tools installed.
- When you enable, disable, and re-enable AutoProtect, the Maximum AutoProtect snapshots option is disabled.
- Insomeinstances, running third-party anti-virus applications such as,TrendMicro Internet Security might cause the virtual machine to fail.
尤其支援了windows 7,真得是很方便。