
Making cold calls? People would rather give up sex

nod32 發表於: 2010-5-24 21:20 來源: ADJ網路控股集團

The prospect of making cold calls for a week as a salesperson is more unappealing than giving up sex for a month, a survey showed.
Only getting a root canal was deemed worse than making sales calls to strangers, said the survey of 1,226 respondents about public attitudes in the United States towards salespeople.
From five options presented, one-third of the people said a root canal was worst, followed by cold calls at 23 percent and giving up sex for a month at 18 percent.
Of the other worsts, 15 percent picked being a surprise guest on a reality television show and 13 percent chose speaking in front of an audience.
Asked to choose among types of salespeople, respondents said they trusted those who sell cars the least, followed by financial services salespeople. Retail salespeople were ranked the most trustworthy.
Being contacted by door-to-door salespeople ranked as most annoying, while being contacted by e-mail or social media was the least aggravating.

cold call 為了開發業務而打給潛在客戶或陌生人的電話
例句:Don’t be too pushy is the rule no.1 for salesperson when making a cold call. (不要太咄咄逼人是業務員打行銷電話時的最高守則。)
unappealing 不吸引人的
例句:Your proposal is unappealing. (你的提案並不吸引人。)
aggravating 令人煩擾的
例句:Your pushing me all the time is very aggravating. (你老是在逼我很令人討厭。)