1. install pop-before-smtp
% wget http://www.adj.idv.tw/download/d ... p-1.33-1.noarch.rpm
% rpm -ivh pop-before-smtp-1.33-1.noarch.rpm
2. install perl modules
% perl -MCPAN -e shell;
% install Time::HiRes
% install File::Tail
% install Net::Netmask
% install Date:

% install DB_File
3. modify /etc/pop-before-smtp-conf.pl for vm-pop3d
在最底下那行 1; 之前...加上
# For vm-pop3d -- needs to match 2 log entries (uncomment all 3 "my" lines).
my $PID_pat = '^(... .. ..:..:..) \S+ (?:vm-pop3d)\[(\d+)\]: ';
my $IP_pat = $PID_pat . 'Connect from (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$';
my $OK_pat = $PID_pat . 'User .+ logged in$';
############################## Support Routines ############################
# This section takes care of defining a multi-line-match custom_match()
# subroutine, but only if the user configured our 3 required patterns.
if (defined($PID_pat) && defined($IP_pat) && defined($OK_pat)) {
eval <<'EOT';
# Some pop services don't put the IP on the line that lets us know that a
# user was properly authenticated. For these programs, we scan the IP off
# an earlier line and the check the validation by comparing the PID values.
my %popIPs;
# The maillog line to match is in $_.
sub custom_match
if (/$PID_pat/o) {
my($ts, $pid) = ($1, $2);
if (/$IP_pat/o) {
$popIPs{$pid} = $3;
else {
foreach my $key (keys %popIPs) {
if ($pid == $key) {
my $ip = $popIPs{$pid};
delete $popIPs{$pid};
if (/$OK_pat/o) {
return ($ts, $ip);
( );
4. start pop-before-smtpservice pop-before-smtp start
5. test pop-before-smtp
i) perform a successful POP login from your IP
ii) % postmap -q xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx hash:/etc/postfix/pop-before-smtp (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is your IP)
should return "OK"
6. Integrate into postfix
% vi /etc/postfix/main.cf
before : smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,check_relay_domains
after : smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/pop-before-smtp,check_relay_domains
% postfix reload
預設...只要有收過信....30 分鐘內就可以由該 ip 透過伺服器發信.