Friendships with your co-workers are inevitable — and a great way to connect to your workplace — but it's important to set a few conversation boundaries. Avoid these four topics to maintain a sense of professionalism and keep your office relationships work-appropriate.
1.Dollars and cents:
It's no secret that salary talk should be avoided, but it's not just paychecks that ought to remain private. Debt, mortgage, and loans — yours or anyone else's — are a personal concern, and if money matters come up, the best thing to do is sidestep the subject and steer the conversation elsewhere.
2.Office rumors:
There will always be cubicle gossip, but that doesn't mean you need to participate. You want to be known for your work, not your rumor radar. Even if you trust a co-worker and your intentions are good, there's still a chance that you'll be misunderstood, overheard, or otherwise caught up in the drama. Use your wit to comment on last night's TV highlights instead.
辦公室的格子間裏總會產生各種流言蜚語,但這不意味著你也要參與八卦的討論。你應該以你的工作 表現而為人熟知,而不是你的八卦能力。即使你很信任某位同事,或者你的出發點是好的,你也可能在八卦的過程中被人曲解,偷聽或者捲入是非之中。不談辦公室 謠言,你還可以動動腦筋,聊聊昨晚電視裏的八卦嘛。
3.Job status:
If your boss offers you a raise or a promotion, by all means, celebrate! Call your family, or your friends, but don't bring it up to a co-worker unless asked directly. Wait until an announcement is made or until your title officially changes; raising the subject yourself might seem boastful or rude.
4.Intimate issues:
Of course you'll mention the happenings in your life to the people around you, but remember to set limits on what you reveal. Even if you feel close to your co-workers, they're still your co-workers, and some things simply shouldn't be shared with office-mates. When in doubt, ask yourself if it's something you'd want your superiors to know. That will put things in perspective.
在與同事的談話中,你不可避免地會談到生活中發生的事,但是記住要分清楚什麼可以說,什麼不可 以說。即使你和同事的關係再好,你們也只是同事關係,有些事情是不能和同事分享的。如果你吃不準到底什麼能說的時候,那就想一下,你希不希望這件事被你的 上級知道。這樣你就能正確地看待要討論的事情了。
The bottom line:
You will and should befriend the people who work alongside you, because getting along with co-workers can make your 9 to 5 pass in a snap. Just remember that those relationships are rooted in the workplace, so how and what you communicate can shape your business reputation.