【軟體名稱】:Sisulizer v2008.293_企業版
【軟體分類】:語言相關 /編輯工具
【檔案大小】:47.2 MB
【放置空間】:nakido/ Rapidshare
Sisulizer 方便地為你的軟體提供多種語言支持,三個步驟進行本地化:掃瞄應用程序和定位文字;使用 Sisulizer可視化編輯工具翻譯文字;建立本地化軟體版本。簡單來說,本軟體的特別之處就是能將外語系的軟體程式轉譯成您需要的語系。非常的方便,讓使用者就算沒學過程式語言也可以輕鬆的將您想要轉譯的程式中文化!!無論是 簡>繁、英>繁、韓>繁..等100多國的語系。支援各國語系,且強大的語系翻譯引擎讓您在彈指間就可以輕鬆的做出中文化的程式

2008 build 293 December 9, 2009
* English and German Lingsoft spell specker support added.
* .NET: Sisulizer could not import combo box and list box items from translated .resx files.
* .NET: Sisulizer created invalidf .resx file of the .resx file contained a referenced file.
* Selecting languages properties of a alternative original caused an error.
* Excluded VCL forms will allways be written into localized resource files.
* HTML: If attribute is without "-characters the localized will also be without.
* Text: If definition was turned on there was no way to turn them off.
* Source code: If file size was 0 bytes Sisulizer raised an error.

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這真是英文差的人的福音阿= =+