
上班族注意:珍愛生命 遠離座椅

htctouch 發表於: 2012-7-03 11:27 來源: ADJ網路控股集團

  Ladies, get off your butts.


  A shocking new study found that even women who hit the gym every day can die young -- if they spend too much time on their backsides.


  The study, published by the American Cancer Society, says women who sit on their bottoms for more than six hours a day increase their chance of dying by 37 percent over the course of the survey, even if they chain themselves to their treadmills.


  Sitting, the study says, suppresses hormones that affect triglycerides and cholesterol, which could trigger heart disease.


  "Even if you are active, sitting for long periods of time will impact your health, and you'll have a shorter life span," said Alpa Patel, the study's lead author. "Whether a person is sitting at a desk, or sitting on a couch, sitting for long periods of time is harmful."

  該研究報告的主要作者Alpa Patel認為,“即使你經常鍛鍊,久坐也會影響健康,縮短壽命。無論是坐在辦公桌前還是坐在沙發上,久坐都會危害健康。”

  The study followed 123,216 people for 14 years.


  62: The average age of participants


  37% of women who sit more than six hours a day had a higher rate of dying


  94% of women who sit the longest were more likely to die


  Take a stand, ladies!
