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lexus 發表於: 2012-03-06,
Our pupils, the black holes which let light into the eyes, don't just help us see, they also signal what's going on in our minds. 瞳孔,那個控制光亮入眼.
lexus 發表於: 2012-03-06,
1.和孩子在一起 1. Spend Some Time with the Little People in Your Life 陪陪孩子 Studies show that being with their families is what children.
lexus 發表於: 2012-03-06,
The cooler months have their charms, including hot chocolate, cozy fires and pretty scenery. They also bring about a few woes, though, such as dry skin, d.
lexus 發表於: 2012-03-06,
女人的大腦有別於男人的大腦。 You say: "My husband can drive or be driven somewhere once and remember the route months later, even if it's in ano.
lexus 發表於: 2012-03-06,
研究:窮人更有同情心Poor People May Be Quicker to Be Kind Poor people are quicker than middle-class or rich individuals to recognize the suffering of others.
There's little doubt that people's names are hard to remember. No, it's not just you, research suggests there's something unusual about names which makes .
不需要為了一根香腸 買回整隻豬.
jnny66 發表於: 2012-02-20,
這是美國 CBS 60 Minutes (六十分鐘 ) 主持人Andy Rooney 對40歲以上的女人的看法 : 對40歲以上的女人的看法 As I grow in age, I value women over 40 most of all. 隨.
聽英文歌學英文 Rolling In The Deep.
Kelly 發表於: 2011-06-10,
Adele - Rolling In The Deep
Britain’s most extravagant dog owner has splashed out an incredible £20,000 on giving her pooch the perfect wedding day. Louise Harris, 32, invited 80 guests to.
華爾街日報導讀:Extra Stellar-誰是亞洲最偉.
tt1069 發表於: 2011-04-19,
華爾街日報導讀:Extra Stellar-誰是亞洲最偉大的運動員?Mr. Stringer: I just love athletes who when the stage is big, somehow outperform. I watched Matsui's fir.
米國的新大統領歐罵馬歐爸媽在美國東岸時間1/20 AM12:00在最高法院首席大法官 John Roberts 見証之下,宣讀美國憲法第2條第1款規定的35字總統就職誓詞,隨即發表二十分鐘的就職.
Is Affluent Magazine Readership Declinin.
nod32 發表於: 2011-03-24,
Is Affluent Magazine Readership Declining?(有錢人都不看雜誌了嗎?) People with more money in the U. S. are reading magazines less and getting their information.
Now Airing New Version of Hawaii Five-O
nod32 發表於: 2011-03-24,
Now Airing New Version of Hawaii Five-O(新版的「檀島警騎」開播嘍!) Baby boomers will never forget the TV show, Hawaii Five-O, with the high-pitched &nbs.
President Obama Was a Bully Victim
nod32 發表於: 2011-03-24,
President Obama Was a Bully Victim (歐巴馬總統也曾經是霸凌的受害者) President Obama Was a Bully Victim President Obama, who was born in Hawaii and raised in.
I am in Love...
Louissai 發表於: 2011-03-21, 回復: 1
I am in love with a murderer He says he killed for love It should chill me, and it does But I cannot give up my happiness He is my happiness He is tall,.
英語諺語大全 2
tomjay936 發表於: 2011-03-20, 回復: 2
0. A little pot is soon hot. 壺小易熱,量小易開。 1. All are brave when the enemy flies. 敌人遁逃时,人人皆勇士。 2. All is fish that comes to his net. 到了网.
Reading Practice
kingdomoo 發表於: 2011-03-20,
Kamau Kambon, a visiting professor at N.C. State University, wants to kill the entire white race. Not just Nazis and racists. Everybody. If you are white he.
自行影印,小朋友學英語。內部有很多圖及樣式,可以提升小朋友學英語的興趣,增加親子關係。網址: http://www.kizclub.com/activities.htm .
提升英文聽力就靠他(網友現在加拿大留學..聽力都靠他分門別類有很多主題...TV & RadioMoviesMusicNewspapersThe InternetElectionsCovering The CapitalFirst Amendmen.
1.Where are you from? 您打哪來的?2.Why did you come to Taiwan?您為何到台灣來?3.How long have you been in Taiwan? 您在台灣待多久了?4.May I have your name card? 可以.