New cracked Windows Genuine Advantage Validation by Supremo Phantom. 100% working on Windows Update, Microsoft Download Center and Microsoft Update. And no nag screens. Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) is an anti-piracy system created by Microsoft that enforces Microsoft Windows online validation of the authenticity of several recent Microsoft operating systems when accessing several Microsoft Windows services, such as Windows Update, and downloading Windows components from the Microsoft Download Center. Specifically, WGA covers Windows XP and Windows Vista. It does not cover Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or the Windows 9x family. However, certain downloads and non-critical updates from the Download Center for Windows 2000 require validation.
1. 進入主畫面後按任意劍繼續。
2. 此時後自動偵測系統,偵測完後,請按 c 繼續。
3. 依據畫面選擇破解或移除 WGA (作業系統) or OGA (Office 軟體)。
4. 靜待破解完成