1. give the eye 拋媚眼,送秋波
To give就是:給。Eye就是:眼睛。Give the eye從字面上來解釋沒有什麼意思。作為一個習慣用語,give the eye是指男女之間的眼神。
要是一個年輕男子give the eye, 那就是說,他對某個女孩子感興趣。Give the eye也同樣可以用在女孩子身上。下面就是一個例子。例句裏說話的人的名字就算是Don吧。他是一個大學生。現在他正和他的朋友Willy在校園裏的咖啡 休息。
例句-1:Willy, don't look now, but when you get a chance take a look at that girl sitting over there alone. I think she's in my biology class. And, you know something - I think she's trying to give me the eye. Maybe I ought to go over and say hello.
Willy, 你現在先別看。等一會有機會,你看一看那邊獨自坐著的那個女孩子。她好像是我們生物課裏的一個同學。你知道嗎,我覺得她在對我暗送秋波。也許我該走過去打個招呼。
2. give the once-over 非同一般地看某人
Once在中文裏就是:一次; over有許多解釋,例如越過,上面,完了等。 Give the once-over的意思是:非同一般地看一個人。 Give the once-over這個說法實際上是和give the eye的意思是一樣的。也就是說,這兩個習慣用語可以換著用。
例句-2:When I give the once-over, she finally gave me a nice smile so I went over to tell her: "haven't we met someplace before?" She asked me to sit down and we got acquainted and look at this, Willy - she gave me her phone number!
當我盯著她看的時候,她終於對我笑了一笑。所以,我走過去對她說:“我們是不是以前在什麼地方見過面?”她讓我坐下,我們就這樣認識了。你看,Willy, 她把她的電話號碼都給我了。
美國年輕人在想認識一個他喜歡的女孩子的時候往往會說,我們好象以前見過面吧 - 也就是: haven't we met someplace before? 他們經常用這句話來問對方,實際上是借了這個話題來認識對方。當然,女孩子對男孩子感興趣時也可能會這麼說。
3. size up 估量;符合要求
Size這個詞本身的意思是:尺寸。例如,一個人的腰圍有多大,胸圍有多大等。但是,size和up合在一起就成了習慣用語,意思是:當你剛見 到一個男孩,或一個姑娘的時候,你對對方是否漂亮所形成的第一個印象。下面我們再接著上面兩個例句的情節來舉一個例子。現在的Don年紀已經大了一點,而 且還結了婚。
那一天,他下班後在馬路上碰到他的老朋友Willy, 倆人就到酒吧去喝一杯酒,聊聊天。Willy就問Don, 怎麼樣,結婚了沒有啊?Don回答說:
例句-3:Oh, yeah, I'm settled down all right. I married Barbara about three years ago; as soon as I met her I right away sized her upas the girl I wanted to marry. It took her three more years to agree, but we've been very happy and already have a daughter with more on the way, I'm sure.
(來源:美國習慣用語 編輯:Rosy)
A Wisconsin man whose camcorder was briefly stolen has found a way to get back at the suspected thief:He uploaded a video to YouTube that the suspect took with the camera, a clip in which the man reveals his name, shows his face and admits he stole the camera.
Chris Rochester said his camera was stolen a few weeks ago from the car of his boss, Republican state Senate candidate Bill Feehan. Police eventually recovered the camera and returned it to Rochester, who set it aside.
Then, when Gov. Scott Walker made a recent visit, Rochester used the camera to film the event. When he went back to retrieve the video, he found 20 other segments the suspect apparently recorded, and one video caught his eye.
"This is my house, yes, and a stolen camera that I stole. But it’s OK, the cop won’t figure it out," the suspect says in the 79-second video. Later he adds, "Oh yeah, to introduce you, my name is Houaka Yang. So yeah, how do you do."
Finally, he turns the camera to reveal his face and says with a smile, "And this is me. Hi." (AP)
get back at somebody:懲罰某人。例句:I think your ex-boyfriend will try to get back at you for what you have said about him.(我想你前男友會對你之前說他壞話的事報復你。)
set something aside:把某物放在一邊;未予理會。
catch someone’s eye:形容吸引某人注意。例句:The shiny silver dress in the boutique caught her eye.(精品店裡的那件閃亮亮的銀色長洋裝吸引她的注意。)