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你是在商場打發時間的mall rat嗎?.
lancer 發表於: 2011-05-19,
閒暇時光要如何度過呢?有人邀約不斷,忙於應付;有人卻嫌時間太多,不知怎麼打發。還好我們居住的地方周邊一般都會有商場,在家裏無趣的人們可以偶爾選擇去那裏打發時間,做個mall rat.
1. 真遺憾。That’s a shame。 A: That’s a shame. Our basketball team lost yesterday’s match。 真遺憾。我們的籃球隊在昨天的比賽中輸了。 B: Oh, come .
1. 想到面試我心慌極了。I’m really in a flap about the interview。 A: I’m really in a flap about the interview. 想到面試我心慌極了。 B: Take it easy. Y.
1. 我生氣了。I’m angry. = I’m worked up。 = I’m in a temper. = I’m mad。 = I’m annoyed. = I’m irritated。 2. 住嘴!Shut up! = Cut it out! =.
1. 我肯定。 I’m sure。 = I’m certain。 = I know for sure。 2. 你說的一點兒沒錯。 You’re absolutely correct。 A: This is written by Shakespea.
1. 的確如此。It sure is。 = Sure。 A: This city is really comfortable to live in。 在這個城市生活很舒適。 B: It sure is。 的確如此。 .
wii168 發表於: 2011-05-13,
Don't say: "That's not my job." Why: If your superior asks you to do something, it is your job。 Instead say: "I'm not sure that should be my priority r.
用英文電子郵件熟練地進行交流是現代職業工作中必備的基本素質之一,英文電子郵件怎麼寫,英文電子郵件常用詞彙。 1. Greeting message 祝福 Hope you have a good .
wii168 發表於: 2011-05-13,
最近制藥行業專利保護即將過期的消息引起民眾的高度重視,為什麼?因為此消息與我們的健康息息相關。那麼,我們先從術語patent cliff “專利懸崖”說起。 Patent cliff refe.
wii168 發表於: 2011-05-13,
Show的意思大家都明白,就是“展示”,也是大家熟知的“秀”。像show off(顯擺)、show someone around(帶某人遊覽、參觀)這樣的短語大家也一定不陌生。但是有些跟show有關的短語,.
西方婚齡稱謂: 從紙婚到磚金婚.
wii168 發表於: 2011-05-11,
西方婚齡: Paper wedding 紙婚、布婚(結婚一週年)Calico wedding 棉布婚(結婚兩週年)Straw wedding 稻草婚(結婚兩週年)。 Pa.
你願意做 "學位夫人" MRS degree.
wii168 發表於: 2011-05-11,
老外也客套? 盤點美劇愛用的客套話.
wii168 發表於: 2011-05-11,
很多人都說中國人喜歡客套,該客套的時候、不該客套的時候,大家都在客套。可是,你看看美劇、英劇裏頭,他們不也是客套話滿天飛麼?不信,我們一起來看看吧。 &nbs.
wii168 發表於: 2011-05-11,
it seems that the “cultural shocks” that I posted a few days ago are quite well received. I’d like to share with you a bit more. Fried Rice 每次.
英語中各種 "尊稱" 的正確翻譯.
wii168 發表於: 2011-05-11,
Thank you ,Lord Hurd,for those kind words.It is honour and pleasure to be here...........I confess I am a little intimidated,Lord Hurd,at being moderated by a v.
windows 發表於: 2011-05-01,
清 明 節(Tomb-Sweeping Day) Qing Ming Jie(All Souls' Day) Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to .
windows 發表於: 2011-05-01,
愚人節 While popular in the U.S., the April Fool's Day tradition is even more prevalent in European countries, such as France and Great Britain. Although .
windows 發表於: 2011-05-01,
五一的由來 51 international Labor Days call 51 sections, May 1 in every year.It is the whole world labor common festival of the people. 五一國際.
Louissai 發表於: 2011-03-22,
人之初 性本善 性相近 習相遠 Men at their birth, are naturally good. Their natures are much the same; their habits become widely different. 苟不教 性乃.
how to say sorry !!!
frandyni 發表於: 2011-03-20, 回復: 1
Sorry, I'm (really/so/terribly) sorry. 對不起。我感到(實在∕很∕非常)抱歉。 Apologize./Please accept my apology. 我道歉。∕請接受我的道歉。 I.