
  • 《中英對照讀新聞》禿頭男子攝護腺癌風險較.

    mayday56 發表於: 2012-06-24,

    《中英對照讀新聞》Do bald men face higher risk of prostate cancer? 禿頭男子攝護腺癌風險較高?◎國際新聞中心 Got hair? If you don’t, you might have a higher risk .

  • 《中英對照讀新聞》 威斯康辛州竊案失主上.

    mayday56 發表於: 2012-06-24,

    《中英對照讀新聞》Wis. theft victim uploads video of suspected thief 威斯康辛州竊案失主上傳竊嫌影片◎張沛元 A Wisconsin man whose camcorder was briefly stolen h.

  • 7招跳出舒適區:人生就要精彩熱情.

    toyota 發表於: 2012-06-19, 回復: 1

      It’s easy to get stuck. Nestle yourself deeper and deeper into that warm, safe and comforting comfort zone.  人很容易就被困住,人經常將自己深深地放置在那溫.

  • 智慧廣告牌現身倫敦:廣告只給女人看.

    toyota 發表於: 2012-06-19,

      A street advert which uses facial-recognition technology to tell men from women is to be used for the first time.  一款通過面部識別技術來辨別男女的廣告牌.

  • 聰明腦瓜訓練秘笈

    toyota 發表於: 2012-06-19,

      Want to be smarter in work, love, and life? Recent scientific advances have shown that one’s intelligence can be improved by “braining training” – and i.

  • 6招拯救常坐不起的白領族

    toyota 發表於: 2012-06-19,

      We tell ourselves time and time again that we've got to stop sitting so much. It's bad for our health for a whole slew of reasons, but there's just no way w.

  • 調查:33歲的人們最忙碌

    toyota 發表於: 2012-06-14,

      According to the Daily Mail of October 31, a third of 33-year-olds say they get an average of only five hours sleep a night, a survey suggests.  據英國每.

  • “加油”英語怎麼說

    toyota 發表於: 2012-06-14,

      “加油”是個日常用語,有好多英語翻譯。用哪個合適要看上下文,以及說話對象等。  1. 看比賽時的“加油”怎麼說?  這個大家小時候就學過的,用“Come on China!”,“Come .

  • 你是“月光族”嗎?

    toyota 發表於: 2012-06-14,

    Donny在北京學漢語,他的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麼說的詞,就會來請教他。今天是Yanglin要問的:月光族。  Donny: Hey,楊琳!我們晚上要去吃飯,do you want to come alon.

  • 7種員工素質驚艷你的老闆

    toyota 發表於: 2012-06-05,

      1.Be Productive  工作高效  Surprising your manager with peakproductivityis a surefireway to impress and prove you are a valuableassetto the company. If .

  • 女生最招人嫌的十大習慣:測試你的另類女人味.

    toyota 發表於: 2012-06-05,

      Women are the most complex creatures known, they are sweet, charming, but they have different sense of everything, they are the difficult ones to please, ye.

  • 和老闆不能聊的六個話題

    toyota 發表於: 2012-06-05,


  • 關於生活的11個小暗示

    toyota 發表於: 2012-06-05,

      1. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return.But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how yo.

  • “實習女王”的成功秘籍

    toyota 發表於: 2012-06-05,

      27歲的勞倫·伯傑在實習領域可謂專家,她經營著一個專為大學生找實習工作的網站Internqueen.com,不久前更是出書傳授自己的經驗秘籍,為無數徬徨中的大學生提供參考建議。 .

  • 你知道“work”的這些用法嗎?

    wii168 發表於: 2012-06-01,

      1. dirty work:指的是“必須要做的但很無聊或很難的工作”,其實也就是做苦工,或者是吃力不討好的工作。  例句:  He did the dirty work on that project.  他在那個.

  • 中國人經常“誤解”的英語詞句.

    wii168 發表於: 2012-06-01,

      lover 情人(不是"愛人")  busboy 餐館勤雜工(不是"公汽售票員")  busybody 愛管閒事的人(不是"大忙人")  dry goods (美)紡織品;(英)穀物(不是"幹貨")  heartma.

  • 18種特殊的反意疑問句

    wii168 發表於: 2012-06-01,

      1.祈使句。祈使句後一般加上will you或won't you構成反意疑問句,用will you 多表示“請求”,用won't you 多表示提醒對方注意。例如:  Look at the blackboard, will you.

  • 囧研究:名字好讀易升職

    chrome 發表於: 2012-05-20,

      People with simple names enjoy quicker career advancement because hard-to-pronounce names inspire negative reactions from superiors, a study has found. .

  • 擁抱美好生活:15招幫你找回生活熱情.

    chrome 發表於: 2012-05-20,

      Do you feel passionless — as though everything you do is a shade of dull gray?   感覺生活沒有熱情,所做的所有事都籠罩著一層暗灰色,了無生趣?   Is work bor.

  • 億萬富翁的人生忠告

    chrome 發表於: 2012-05-20,

      Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.   規則一:永遠別輸錢。規則二:永遠別忘了規則一。   Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaw.
