

lancer 發表於: 2012-2-01 12:56 來源: ADJ網路控股集團

  有木有那麼一刻,你興奮的無以言表;有木有那麼一刻,你被氣得怒發沖天。這時候,你只需甩出一個詞:go hog wild。它既可以描述高興得發瘋的樣子,也可以表示萬分生氣。


  例句-1:The kids went hog wild, chasing the poor puppy all around the house, then fighting over who got to hold it, pet it and give it a bowl of dog food.



  例句-2:I went hog wild when I saw this mess, I chased him around, cornered him and was about to spank him when he wagged his tail and licked my hand and I couldn't be mad any more.



  hog heaven,它可以用來泛指任何可以帶來極大快樂的地方。想像一下在泥塘裏打滾的豬有多自得其樂,這泥水塘可說是它的天堂了。

  例句-3:Have you tried that new restaurant that serves all you can eat for seven dollars? It's hog heaven if you like nothing better than to stuff yourself until you can't eat one more bite.

  你去過那家新開的餐館嗎? 那兒供應自助餐,每人七美元。這地方對好吃又喜歡把自己塞得漲破肚子的人來說簡直就是天堂。

  例句-4:Jerry gets so tired lifting weights that he barely has the strength left to get home. But then he's in hog heaven down at the beach when the girls crowd around to admire all his bulging muscles.


  這裡的be in hog heaven意思是處於自我陶醉的境地。儘管苦練身體或大吃大喝讓某些人覺得其樂無窮,是某些人的hog heaven,但都只是讓某些人樂在其中;不是每個人,因為人各有所好。此外, hog heaven不同於宗教信念中的天堂。首先正如剛才所說的那樣,hog heaven描述的是給某些人極大快樂的地方或場合,其次那種快樂往往是非精神上的肉體享受。