遊戲說明 : Blacksmith Lab 鐵匠實驗室,是個容易上癮的有趣遊戲,這個遊戲跟 Click Hero 點擊英雄 以及 Hero Simulator 英雄模擬器 是差不多類型的遊戲,雖然只有點擊就可以進行遊戲,Blacksmith Lab 鐵匠實驗室可一點都不單調喔! 遊戲中增加不少的元素以及關卡訂單的條件,讓遊戲變化更多,也更加的有趣喔 !
Blacksmith Lab is an Addictive idle game. Once upon a time there was only one button,but now some stuff can be made. Start by collecting stones, iron, and other resources, and forge them into a whole range of tools.
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Tags: idle game Blacksmith Lab 鐵匠 實驗室 Addictive
遊戲一開始只有一個(IRON)鐵礦石的按鈕,別想太多,直接使用滑鼠去點擊這個(IRON) 鐵礦石 按鈕,多按幾下,你就成功的收集了一個單位的(IRON) 鐵礦石 ,接著就會出現盾牌(SHIELD)的按鈕,同樣的點擊盾牌(SHIELD)的按鈕就能生產盾牌,要注意的是(IRON) 鐵礦石不足的話是無法生產盾牌的,生產了盾牌之後,(AGILITY)出售的按鈕就會出現,點擊這個(AGILITY)出售的按鈕 就可以把生產出來的盾牌賣出去。
慢慢的有了錢之後,就可升級鐵匠鋪的能力,如自動採礦、自動生產等等的模式,同時也會有新的資源與新的產品要用錢去解鎖, 也會有一些訂單的要求出現,像獸人要買 10片鐵盾之類的訂單,要完成這些訂單,必須根據訂單的要求,切換開採的資源以及生產產品的項目,訂單有時間限制, 因此有時候還需要你快速點擊, 來加速資源的開採或是產品的生產,還需要你親自點擊(AGILITY)出售的按鈕,才能交付訂單,完成訂單之後就可以升上一級。
idle games Description :
Blacksmith Lab is an Addictive idle game. Once upon a time there was only one button,but now some stuff can be made. Start by collecting stones, iron, and other resources, and forge them into a whole range of tools.
What's that mean? Yes! playing this game is only need is click. First you can only see a IRON button. All you can do and all you need is use youe mouse to click the IRON button.
Collect enough IRON e. the SHIELD button will show up. Then click it you can make shield. and then AGILITY button Will show up, too. Click it you can sell shield to make money. after then you can continue upgrading your forge and managing your money.
Continue to upgrade your forge, invest your money and take care of your clients. Good luck with your Blacksmith Lab!
Controls :
Mouse only