【軟體名稱】:Magic Utilities 2009 6.01_繁中免安裝
【檔案大小】:1 MB
【放置空間】:RapidShare/ hotfile
可愛的軟體移除工具 - Magic Utilities,可以取代 Windows 內建的「新增/移除程式」功能,提供了方常便利的程式移除功能:只要在軟體代表圖示上用滑鼠按兩下,就可以將軟體安除!
其他功能還有:「啟動管理器」- 控制每次電腦開機所要自動開啟的程式。「程式管理器」- 強制關閉目前所執行的應用程式。

Feature highlights include:
• More user-friendly interface to list and uninstall programs that have been installed on your computer.
• Support drag and drop. Automatically analyse your operation when you drop a file on Magic Utilities icon on the desktop.
• Automatically detect the bad entries left behind in registry by misbehaved uninstallers.
• Automatically detect the files lefted after a program has been uninstalled.
• Automatically detect the new programs have been installed on your computer or added to your startup configuration.
• Full control all program's unistall info.
• View, Edit, Delete and Add entries to your startup configuration.
• Display a list of all running programs and allows you to force-quit frozen applications.
• Rate all your startup programs to list potential harmful program.
• Display details of an certain running program so you can find harmful background processes like spyware, viruses and worms infect 90% of computers with an internet connection.
• Export uninstall programs,startup programs and current running programs list to file.
• Clean up temp files and unnecessary files on your computer.
• Delete your files in a secure way.
• Offers an easy way to encrypt any of your files.
• Includes multi-language support (you need to download additional language files from here).
OS: Windows 7/Vista/2003/XP/2000/Me/98

Magic Utilities 2009 6.01_免安裝

Magic Utilities 2009 6.01_免安裝