【軟體名稱】:PDF-XChange Viewer Pro v2.047.0_免安裝
【檔案大小】:5.18 MB
【放置空間】:RapidShare/ depositfiles
開啟 PDF 檔,除了 Adobe Reader 之外,PDF-XChange Viewer 可說是另一款更合適的軟體了,PDF-XChange Viewer 除了可以開啟觀看 PDF 檔之外,它另外的書寫工具功能,可是不容忽視的。也就是說 PDF-XChange Viewer 還允許我們在 PDF 檔案上任意位置加上註解、輸入文字、建立文字區域、箭頭、框線…等功能。最重要的是 PDF-XChange Viewer 還是一個免費的軟體。需安裝.NETframework才能執行。

Changes in version 2.0.0047.0 - 17-02-2010:
- Resolved some issues with form-filling.
- Resolved some issues with in/out operations for 'stream' objects. (7827)
- Resolved issues with formatting some of number formats in the util.printf function.
- Added feature to toggle on/off the dipslaying of subject, author, modification date of comments(see Preferences/Commenting).
- Resolved some small issues with find-box. (7834)
- Resolved behaviour when user double-clicks on a file-attachment comment(the pop-up not shown in this case)
- Resolved issue with "No Stroke" for typewritter/texboxes. Border width should be set to 0 (zero) to use No Stroke behaviour.
- Modified behaviour for orientation during new distance tool creation.

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