【軟體名稱】:Rainlendar 2.7.087_免安裝
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十分漂亮的桌面日曆,支援換膚功能,在 Win2k/XP 中可以顯示透明效果,還可以完全自定義顯示內容。還支援和網上的伺服器同步時間以及定制指定日期的事件等功能。新版本更增加了多種模版,Rainlendar只占用極少的系統資源,令你的桌面日曆更漂亮。
Rainlendar 是結合了月曆、行事曆、待辦事項及鬧鈴提醒的工作管理軟體,對於現代忙錄的工作者來說,不管是工作及時間的安排,或是工作的進程管理都會是一是個很好的幫手
* 月曆顯示: 會以不同的顏色顯示有工作的日子,游標停在上面的時候會顯示工作內容
* 行事曆 (事件),可設定開始及結束時間和該事件的分類
* 待辦事項 (To Do List)
* 匯入/匯出行事曆或是待辦事項
* 可設定顯示/隱藏月曆、加入待辦事項等等功能的快速鍵

[2.7 Build 87] - 13 Mar 2010
o The calendar's password couldn't be changed from the options. Fixed.
o Yearly recurring events with alarm caused problems in the Google calendar. Fixed.
o Fixed issue with Outlook recurring events which caused corrupted events in Rainlendar.
o Remember The Milk authentication token is now cleared only if the server returns proper error.
o The events from Google calendar were not read properly after resuming from suspend mode. Fixed.
o Fixed a crash bug with the start another instance dialog.
o Google missed the last day of the recurring events which defined the "until" as the end. Fixed.
o Outlook alarms were set too far in the past. Fixed.
o The event list can now show items from the past too (Options->Advanced->"Number of past days the list shows").
o The pastitem and pastheader can be used to customize the past events in the list.
o The past events can be hidden from the event list with Options->Advanced->"Hide past events".
o The event and task list track now the state of the past/overdue items and update the list when necessary.

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