【軟體名稱】:HD Tune Pro v4.50 - Final~免安裝

【檔案大小】:1.27 MB
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HD Tune 是一套實用、容易操作的硬碟工具軟體,其主要功能有硬碟傳輸速率檢查 、健康狀態檢查、溫度檢查及磁碟表面掃瞄等。
另外,還能檢查出硬碟的硬體版本、序號、容量、快取大小以及目前的 Ultra DMA 模式等。雖然這些功能其它軟體也有,但難能可貴的是此軟體把所有這些功能集於一身,而且非常小巧,速度又快。

22th May 2010: HD Tune Pro 4.50 released.
* Added autosave screenshot function with extensive filter possibilities
* Error Scan
o added speed map
o added option to set scanning range
* Erase: added verify function
* Added option to change power settings during performance tests
* Added support for USB 3.0 devices
* Fixed negative CPU usage display with quadcore CPUs
* Fixed incompatibility issue with nVidida drivers under Windows 7 64-bit
* Fixed incompatibility issue with certain USB sticks
* Fixed incorrect position with Erase function with sector sizes larger than 512 bytes

really a good tools
really a good tools