【檔案大小】:1.34 MB
【放置空間】:xun6/ RapidShare/ depositfiles

Do you have the WAT update installed, KB971033? If yes you may have got flagged as non-genuine, in order to become genuine again just do the following.
* Launch the loader application and select to uninstall
* Restart the PC
* Install the loader and restart the PC
* Visit the following website to revalidate Windows: www.microsoft.com/genuine/
Is Windows failing to boot after you installed the loader? Just do the following.
* Boot up the PC from your Windows installation disk
* Select the "Repair your computer" option
* Select "Command Prompt"
* Input "bootsect.exe /nt60 SYS /force" (without quotes)
* Restart the PC

Version 1.8.1
* Added a legacy mode which should activate some systems that don't comply with the normal ACPI specifications
* Improved support for compressed partitions
* Added Toshiba, Exper, Wortmann and Casper SLIC's
* Added a new HCL Windows 7 Professional serial
* Other minor tweaks and fixes
