【軟體名稱】:VSO Image Resizer V2.2.0.4_免安裝
【檔案大小】:6.41 MB
VSO Image Resizer 是將數碼照片和圖像存在電腦中,並希望重新調整大小,壓縮,轉換,建立備份,導入或組織圖片的人們設計的完美工具。你是否想過要發送,移動,縮小或放大一張圖片或者一堆圖片, 有了 VSO Image Resizer,這些只需單擊一下即可完成。

Key Features:
Convert between different graphic formats
Configurable compression/resolution ratio
Support file formats: Jpeg, gif, bmp, tiff etc
Support Digital Camera RAW formats: Canon .CR2, Nikon .NEF , .MRW Minolta
Handle single picture or batch mode
Customizable templates for renaming files
You can add your own watermark file
Reduce size photos perfect for web publishing/share photos by email
Integrate in windows explorer or works as a stand-alone application
Fast processing
Import directly from your memory cards
Save history of destination folder
Variable options and settings for advanced users
Multilingual support (available languages...)
Optimized for Windows 2000 / XP / Vista

VSO Image Resizer V2.2.0.4_免安裝

VSO Image Resizer V2.2.0.4_免安裝