【軟體名稱】:TuneUp Utilities 2009 v8.0.3300.1 Portable
【檔案大小】:16.9 MB
德國系統調校工具第一品牌-TuneUp Utilities!!!!
TuneUp Utilities 的功能應有盡有,主要工具包括:系統改造/分析、硬碟/登錄文件清理、系統加速、記憶體最佳化、登錄文件編輯、軟體卸載、工作管理員、文件還原/清理。讓你的系統跑的非常順暢,功能全面,決不像兔子、大師使用後出現文件移失現象,堪稱極品。

- TuneUp Utilities 2009 - Start Center
- Reliable Protection for Your Data
- Simple Hard Disk Organization
- Simple Windows Customization
- Perfect Error Correction
- Simple 1-Click Maintenance
- Optimum Start Acceleration
- Internet and Windows Acceleration
- Secure Data Rescue and Deletion
- Individual Windows styling
Your TuneUp Utilities advantages:
- NEW! Configures Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2, Windows Media Player 11 and Office 2007
- NEW! Automatically eliminates errors in the file system
- NEW! Allows for simple clean-up of your disk drives
- NEW! Deletes sensitive data using the secure DoD 5220.22-M and Gutmann methods
- IMPROVED! Gives you intelligent tips to optimize your hardware and software
- IMPROVED! Speeds up your system startup
- IMPROVED! Scans your system for settings that might be slowing it down and corrects them
- Reliably and completely removes unnecessary applications including their registry entries
- Offers optimum Internet and system settings for every type of user
- Defragments the Windows registry
- Restores accidentally deleted files
- Speeds up your Internet connection

TuneUp Utilities 2009 v8.0.3300.1 Portable

TuneUp Utilities 2009 v8.0.3300.1 Portable