【軟體名稱】:7-Zip 9.28 Alpha ~ 免安裝

【檔案大小】:1.42 MB
【放置空間】:depositfiles / mediafire / rghost

7-Zip是一款號稱有著現今最高壓縮比的壓縮軟體,它不僅支援獨有的 7z 檔案格式,而且還支援各種其它壓縮檔案格式,其中包括 ZIP, RAR, CAB, GZIP, BZIP2和 TAR 等等。此軟體壓縮的壓縮比要比普通 ZIP 檔案高 30-50% ,因此,它可以把 Zip 格式的檔案再壓縮 2-10% 。這是7-Zip多國語言版,支援繁簡體中文等。

Changes in 7-Zip 9.28 Alpha, 2012-06-20:
- LZMA2 now is default compression method for .7z format.
- 7-Zip now can update WIM archives.
- 7-Zip File Manager now can move files to archives.
- 7-Zip File Manager now can calculate CRC-32, SHA-1 and SHA-256 checksums for files.
- The default encoding for TAR format now is UTF-8. You can use -mcp=1 switch for OEM encoding.
- Command line version:
- – new “rn” command to rename files in archive.
- – new -sdel switch to delete files after including to archive.
- – new -sns switch to store NTFS alternate streams (for WIM format only).
- – new -sni switch to store NT security information for files (for WIM format only).
- Speed optimizations for opening big archives and big disk folders.
- DMG support was improved
- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localization: Aragonese.
